We Support Culture

Our name is linked to many important cultural events - from classical music concerts to music festivals and youth events. We support organisers of these events and try to foster in children and adults a love and appreciation of music, art and everything that is beautiful. We have not forgotten you, our clients, and have teamed up with numerous partners to bring you various benefits, discounts and contests.

We Make Unique Cultural Experiences Happen

Whatever culture means to you, be it reflecting on art in a gallery or dancing your heart out at a music festival, we all need it. That is why we support a wide range of cultural events and activities, with the aim of making them as accessible as possible and keeping them up and running for the next generation.

Colours of Ostrava

Czech Philharmonic

Smetana’s Litomyšl (Smetanova Litomyšl)

Other partnerships

We Support Art and Design

Banks have always invested in art, architecture and design. Česká spořitelna, as the successor to dozens of financial institutions, is no exception. We continue to support art and design to this day.

Česká spořitelna Gallery


Ceny Czech Grand Design

Artoteque (Artotéka)