Why should I have a Banking IDentity?

If you use or you are planning to use George internet banking and Česká spořitelna mobile applications then the Banking IDentity is intended just for you. It is utilised for verification of your identity when you are using Česká spořitelna applications and also for logging in and verifying your identity at state authorities and at online service providers.  

Utilising our services and applications used to involve different login pages and various passwords. Therefore you had to remember lots of information and it wasn’t too convenient. Now, all you need is the Banking IDentity and a single login page that is common to all our new applications and logging into third parties. It’s really easy to know that you are at the right place.

In essence, with the Banking IDentity you are having:

  • Even more secure logins,
  • Easier work in your internet banking,
  • Possibility to create your own User Name, and
  • The same login details across all applications.