Mobile apps

Make your life easier and manage your banking directly from your mobile phone. Simply choose any of our following apps and download it for free onto your mobile.


Meet George. The next-gen mobile bank

With the George app, your bank is in your pocket. On the way to work, on holiday, anywhere. George is free, secure and shows you how to improve your financial health. Managing your finances is a breeze with George, and it saves you time with virtual credit cards or even QR ATM withdrawals.

> 2 miliony

of you are already using George


„It's fantastic to have this as a backup in my pocket when I forget something. For example, I always pay kindergarten fees at the last minute on my way to work.“ Petr Š.


Your gateway to the world of investment!

This app will give you immediate access to investment information. Find the latest exchange rates, check the performance of funds and the price of bonds, stocks, indexes and currencies, and read the latest reports and analyses. No product will ever escape you again, and Watchlist will come in handy if you wish to check quickly something that interests you.

  Data to 31.12.2024

„A practical app for unit prices and a well-made watchlist.“ Petr K.