Credit card
„Sometimes money just runs out, so a second card always comes in handy.“
Card account maintenance free of charge
Just use your card each month to make purchases worth at last CZK 3 000 and you’ll pay no card account maintenance fee.
We’ll give you up to CZK 350 back
For each payment online and abroad that you make using your credit card, you will get 1% off your purchase. You can get up to CZK 350 back each month.
Easy to keep track of interest
There is nothing to worry about even if you are only making partial repayments. Our credit card is the only card on the market that allows you to keep track of interest and fees at all times. Nothing is hidden and you’ll never be in for an unpleasant surprise.
You can’t get by without a credit card
Hotel reservations, car rentals or payment in e-shops: all these situations require you to have a credit card.
Calculate how much you will end up paying
What is included?
- You can obtain up to three additional cards free of charge for your friends and family. You can also set different limits on each card.
- You can use your card for contactless payments. Internet payments are secured with 3D Secure technology.
Tip: Arrange other practical services to go with your card that you will appreciate every day.
No catches! The credit card is completely under your control
You can easily calculate how much your credit card will cost you. Instead of an interest rate in percentage terms, we calculate interest in Czech crowns. You’ll pay CZK 10 for each CZK 500 borrowed. Your credit card will cost you nothing in interest for debit balances up to CZK 499.
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We'll usually deliver your credit card to you within 7 days of set up, and will deliver the PIN within the same period. Once you activate the card you can begin using it immediately.
You can use your credit card to pay any retailers who accept MasterCard in the Czech Republic and abroad. You can also use it to withdraw from ATMs, pay over the internet or send a payment order via internet banking. With your credit card it's also possible to get cash out directly at a retail outlet using the cashback service if the merchant supports it.
Yes, you can use your credit card to withdraw from an ATM in the Czech Republic and abroad. Our credit card even provides you with the option of withdrawing cash within the interest-free period. This means that even if you withdraw cash, you can still have the credit card entirely interest-free within the given period.
Our credit card needn't cost you anything at all. Here are tips for how to use the card entirely free of charge:
- you only need to spend a minimum of CZK 3000 in the given period (all types of
transactions are calculated, i.e. including cash withdrawals, payments via the internet,
payments abroad and payment orders) and you’ll pay no card admin fee - if you pay the entire balance owing by the due date you won't pay any interest
- request electronic statements, available free of charge through internet banking
- pay by card everywhere you can – payments at retail outlets and over the internet cost you nothing
- even if you withdraw cash from an ATM, you can use your credit card interest-free
- if you decide to make progressive repayments, it's easy to calculate how much it will cost you
- link to calculator
You won't encounter this with ordinary purchases. However, it's true that especially with certain types of services (e.g. car hire services or accommodation establishments), or in certain countries (e.g. the USA) this may occur, and we regularly receive enquiries about this from our clients. If you use these services or travel regularly, then you should always carry a credit card in your wallet as a back-up.
The total amount to be repaid by the client on a credit card owing CZK 30 000 is CZK 34 632. This is over a period of 12 months, assuming an interest rate of 24% per annum and a monthly repayment of CZK 2 836. The administration fee on the credit card is CZK 50 per month. The RPSN is 31.30 %. This representative example is based on the regularly provided amount of credit and on the assumption that the statement cycle falls on of the 11 th day of the month.