Banking IDentity

“With it, I can easily file my text return online.
And not only that."

What the Banking IDentity means
and when it comes handy

It is a simple and safe method for login and for verification of your identity on Internet.
You can utilise it not only in the bank but especially when dealing with the authorities or with online service providers.

For communication not only with the bank

For secure confirmation of payments and for login to applications of Česká spořitelna and to selected third party applications.

When dealing with the authorities

Instead of presenting your identity card, through your Banking IDentity you will get verified on the website of relevant authority.

At the online
service providers

You can easily and safely log into the client service zones, change the electricity tariff or sign the contracts online

If you are the Česká spořitelna client and utilise George, you obtained the Banking IDentity as well. Your login details are the same as those for your internet banking.

Where you can utilise the Banking IDentity
at authorities and companies


Thanks to the BankID, on the Citizen Portal you can find out the number of penalty points on your driver’s licence, access the Register of Vehicles or apply online for a new driver’s licence.



What is your retirement age or how high your pension would be – you can find this information simply and quickly in the Retirement Informative Application on the ePortal of the Czech Social Security Administration where you can log in online through your BankID.

Allowances and benefits 

With the BankID you can apply online for e.g. parental allowance, housing benefit and other subsidies. You will simply fill in the necessary form on the portal of the Labour Office and send the application immediately.

Local charges

With the BankID you can also settle online the charges collected by your municipality or city; e.g. parking fees, charge for dogs or for municipal waste. Website of your municipality authority will advise you how to do it.


With the BankID you can also care about your health. You will simply and online get linked to your doctor or a health insurance company.



BankID will also help you with housing. You can simply and quickly examine the Cadastral Register at the Cadastral Register Portal. Or you will simply and online get linked to your energy supplier.


You can file your tax return online once you log with your BankID to portal You will fill in all the required data in the online form and with just one click you will send your tax return to the Tax Office.

Self-employed persons

With the BankID you can easily and online change e.g. your business activity or obtain extract from the trade register at the Citizen Portal.

However, with the Banking IDentity you can sort out many more matters. List of other authorities and companies is available at the Bank iD website.

Why you shall make you life easier
with Banking IDentity

Single login

You do not have to remember tens of new passwords and login details.

It is safe and protects you

It protects you and your login details. It does not share your data with anybody, unless you agree to it.

It saves your time and effort

You no longer need to scan the identity card or visit a branch to sign a contract.

Without registration and free of charge

You do not have to register anywhere. Nor you need to pay any fee for the Banking IDentity. It is available free of charge.

What methods are used for securing the Banking IDentity

Your Banking IDentity consists of the user name and the unique phone number. Every single login must be secured to the maximum extent. The choice of the method is up to you.

Mobile application George

This is the safest and convenient method. You just need the application in which you will confirm everything.

Download and install the George application from Google Play, App Store or HUAWEI AppGallery.

Password and confirmation through SMS

You will choose the password yourself and enter it during login or verification. Then you will receive the SMS with a code through which you will confirm the password.

IDentity Management

With the IDentity Management application you can easily manage your login details and security methods. Here you can also check when and where your Banking IDentity was used.

Video-tutorial: How to log in at authorities
and companies through Bank iD

For companies: Start using the Banking IDentity in your business

Inspiration for the use of Bank iD

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